Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fatboygetdown needs reality check

29 years old 750 pound man, John Assanti has a leg condition called cellulite & lymphedema & wants on Extreme Makeover Weightless Edition. The guy is always in & out of hospitals & even calls the hospital his second home. John goes on youtube shirtless & makes fun of his own obesity by dancing around, grabbing his man moobs ect. & now all of a sudden he is begging people to get a hold of a man named Chris Powell. Well John, in all honesty, maybe if you stopped making a spectacle of yourself, her might take you a bit more seriously. You come on youtube, expecting people to view your way into getting help, then you go and make those ridiculous videos where you're completely degrading yourself. it's hard to support someone who isn't taking themselves seriously anymore. Perhaps if you would take yourself seriously, people will take you serious as well, even Chris Powell. Being half naked on your videos clearly states that you are mad!! Also Maybe you could stop waiting around for him to call you and get off your ass. Go walk around the block twice a day maybe even that will help! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something besides making videos complaining.  You should have helped yourself years ago and stopped being a glutton. People who eat their way into a medical condition deserve no sympathy. Sorry but it's true. I am so fucking annoyed with people these days that all they do is bitch & moan about how hard life is & takes life for granted & doesn't want to get help when help is being offered to them like I have said before. I hate the fact that this guy could kill over at any moment but seriously you had many years & opportunities to get the help that you needed & even had the gull to brag about being bi sexual? BIG DEAL I AM BI SEXUAL A SWELL & YOU DON'T SEE ME BEING ALL LAZY & A SLOB. You wanna know what most American's problems are? BEING 100% LAZY! Eating is good & can be healthy but over eating & eating bad things can fuck you up! In he latest video he goes onto say how he wants a family and a girlfriend and or wife someday & not to be buried at 29 years old as that would be very tragic. John your saying that everyone is picking on you because they think your fat or gay and a lot of other stuff but you are the one who goes on youtube and makes videos of yourself and acts like everyone should pitty you but yet again your the one who is making videos of yourself dancing and shaking your shit as your would say which is inappropriate to do but your the one who is complaining all of the time and acting like a fool and giving everyone ammo to take and shoot at you so stop with the drama please!!!!!  Would you still expect pity and help if you needed a lung or liver transplant to live? Even though you had posted videos for years showing yourself not only drinking and smoking to excess, but bragging about it and enjoying it? Try showing some remorse instead crying the victim and you might get some sympathy and help. No one wants to help you because you're a joke and when you get help you will probably just upload some retarded video of you dancing in a soiled adult diaper. I personally think people would take you more seriously and wouldn't hate on you for this if you didn't do this once a month and then take them down and upload stupid crazy attention seeking shit in the hope that your videos will become viral again so Lay down the cake & pizza & soda pop, put Ur big boy pants on & GROW THE FUCK UP & START TAKING STEPS TO LOSE THE GOAL WEIGHT YOU NEED TO LOOSE INSTEAD OF CRYING ABOUT IT. I THINK YOU JUST WANT ON EXTREME MAKEOVER TO TRY & GET FAMOUS OR MORE NOTICED IN THE PUBLIC EYE THAT'S WHY YOU WENT ON DR. PHIL ISN'T IT? DUDE GET OFF UR LAZY ASS & STOP CRYING EVERYONE DOESN'T GIVE TWO SHITS SORRY. he's pathetic he goes on Dr Phil to get help but won't do shit to help himself. He use to brag when he was on the train to go to the show. That the bathroom was to small he would shit himself. Then go to the dining cart to eat and sit in his own shit. He even said he use to shit in his bathtub at his own place cause he couldn't fit on the toilet. Hes been kicked out of hospitals in Rhode island and mass for going there just to get pills perks.Anyways I REALLY HOPE YOU REALLY GET THE HELP YOU NEED JOHN BUT IN ALL HONESTY & IN THE END, YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF BRO. WHEN JOHN WAS ON THE DR PHIL SHOW A FEW YEARS AGO HE EVEN ADMITTED TO HATING THIN PEOPLE & HE WAS A TOTAL SLOB ASSHOLE ON THE SHOW WHEN DR PHIL HAD THAT DR PHIL'S HOUSE OF HATRED SHOW A FEW YEARS BACK. GOOD LUCK JOHN U R GOING TO NEED IT BUDDY.