Sunday, September 16, 2012

Da proof is in the pudding

 The THINGS in red pretty much answers shit itself. when you re-blogged the source it showed the sources name & you can clearly see that it’s my name I use on here bundy-is-my-sex-slave so basically what I’m trying to say Susan is, EVERY TIME you re-blogged ANY photos I have posted on my tumbler I knew it was you, each time, so these little lies aren’t working for you no more I’m not boo boo the damn fool. So again & I ask you this, How in the fuck am I stalking you when you are the one clearly doing so & not smart enough to hide the fact that you are? Tumbler notifies you on the account when someone either likes, re-blogged ANYTHING you post or re-post onto ya page so seriously, how is that stalking you? When you re blogged that video I posted about you it showed up as a notification on my tumbler account. So if you re blog this or the large book like blog I wrote about you for YOU attached with a new video from my good friend Wookie who mind you made the latest video without me knowing until he already had it uploaded, that will also show up, anything you re blog from me INFORMS me so! as it does for everyone on this site, not just me. FUCK you are so fucking stupid! & no It wasn’t me that did this my friend or that friend as you called him sent them before he made the video! I would LOVE to see any proof you supposedly have of me. Oh but wait, you don’t have any, for someone who likes to talk all that shit at lest back it up instead of looking like a total fool like you now do. You’ve just been PWNED dumb ass! Need I say more? :)
can we now say, BUSTED!
Now what? HA-HA-HA